Refund Policy for Subscriptions

  1. Members may cancel their subscription at any time, and in such cases, they can continue to use the paid services until the end of the billing cycle. Refunds will not be issued except for cases where cancellation meets the conditions specified above and when the company is obligated to refund due to deliberate or negligent actions. Upon subscription cancellation, the account will automatically terminate at the end of the current billing cycle. However, if cancellation is requested as per the conditions stated above, the account will terminate immediately.
  2. Refund amounts under this clause will be calculated based on the regular payment amount, even for annual subscription members. Therefore, there may be cases where no refund is issued depending on the timing of the cancellation.
  3. Paprika Data Lab Inc. reserves the right to modify service fees and features within plans. Paprika Data Lab will notify members of such changes, including the timing of their implementation, and seek their consent. Members have the option to cancel their subscription if they do not agree to these changes.

(1) Monthly Plan

Upon cancellation of the monthly plan subscription, service will be available until the end of the paid month, and usage will cease immediately upon the end of the billing cycle. No refunds will be issued for any partially used months.

(2) Annual Plan

  1. The annual plan is based on a 12-month cycle.
  2. Refunds will be issued for the remaining months excluding any month that has passed after payment.
  3. Cancellation within 14 days of payment incurs no penalties. However, cancellations made after 14 days will incur a penalty consisting of (i) the monthly subscription rate for the period used (discount restored) and (ii) an additional 10% of the annual contract amount. Penalties for annual payments are applied immediately upon cancellation, and service will be discontinued.

Refund Policy for Reward Purchases

  1. Partial or full refunds are possible for unredeemed rewards.
  2. Refunds are not available for rewards once they have been dispatched, even if the gifticons have not been utilized.

Refund Policy for Panel Distribution Payments

  1. Members may request refunds from the company. Refunds will be processed according to the policies and procedures outlined by the company.
  2. For single-panel distribution payments (₩30,000/₩45,000/₩60,000), the payment is for the maximum number of respondents for panel distribution. Refunds are not available if the number of respondents does not reach the maximum capacity despite exposure to the panel distribution service.
  3. Payments are specific to one project, and cannot be transferred for use in other projects.
  4. For bundled panel distribution payments (300 responses, ₩60,000 or more), (where multiple projects are bundled and paid for simultaneously), any remaining funds can be credited and used for panel distribution payments in future projects.
  5. Panel distribution is based on location, gender, and age. The company does not take responsibility for any conditions specified by the member within the form other than those mentioned above.